Actor Rotimi Salami says the era where 1st and 2nd wives leave peacefully before women’s mind got corrupted by Western ideology can never rejuvenate
Nigerian actor Rotimi Salami has stirred up a debate on social media after his recent post and remarks on polygamy.
A poster shared on his Instagram page opined that the era where first and second wives lived together in harmony and peace during the old time before women’s minds got corrupted by the western ideology of one man, one wife, one man.
The post read: “First and second wife, before our women’s minds got corrupted by western ideology of one man, one wife”
However, Salami captioned the post by saying such a ear can never be rejuvenated.
He wrote, ” This era can never rejuvenate…Otilo🤣 Or what do you think ladies?
His comments have generated mixed reactions on social media, with some users expressing support for his views while some say the era worst than the present era.
See reactions below:
– Na this era worst pass Smiling and killing each other spiritually
– Most of the foundational problem and unnecessary battles, one is fighting are as a result of polygamous home.
– They have their own challenges too don’t think all is rosy with them
– Put the one woman marrying two men in this western ideology and how it has unite men 😍
– It’s men that talk about that era claiming it was peaceful. Why don’t we hear from the women of that era . Let’s hear from the horse’s mouth na .
– Polygamy is the worse experience any child could ever have…. But thank God for His saving grace through Jesus Christ….
– Rubbish!!! So it’s become natural to accept that your husband marries another wife after you ?? Why didn’t God create Adam with plenty eves 😂
– What I think is Asaro ele po rederede sohun lomo iyawo logbe 😂😂😂
– They are the cause of our problems today😂😂😂smiling and killing each other spiritually…Melo melo Olaonipekun wey no get a plot of land all in the name of polygamous family